February Focus - Roots Community Cafe

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 Dear Father
At this time of so much uncertainty, we would ask that you would open our eyes, ears and hearts to those in need within our community, whoever they may be.
As a Community Café it is our passion to serve our community however we can and we would ask that you give us wisdom and insight as to how we may best do this using the resources and skills you have given us.
Whilst serving others in the community help us to take care of each other within our fellowship. Help us to put our trust in you as we look to you to show us the way as we carry out your work in Wymondham.
Please surround café staff and volunteers with your protection as we do your work.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”
Matthew 11, verse 28

Cathy Finch, 13/02/2021