Roots Community Cafe
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest". Matt 11:28

Roots Community Café is open to all ages from all walks of life. We are currently open on a Wednesday and Friday 10 - 1pm.
We believe in building relationships, getting involved and serving the community. Everyone who walks through the door is valued and is fearfully and wonderfully made.
Whether you are a new parent, a buzzing toddler, someone looking for a listening ear or someone who finds getting out and about a challenge, you’ll find a warm welcome at Roots.
Our aim is to offer a safe, warm accessible and loving environment for people to connect with others.
Roots Community Cafe is run by volunteers from Wymondham Baptist Church who have a real desire to serve others.
Why not stop by and join us for a coffee and slice of cake. We serve delicious cakes and food at prices everyone can afford.

Roots Volunteers - August 2024
Contact Us for more information.