Building Extension sketches

Watch the video of our work in the kitchen:- javascript:playMedia(318469,' '); javascript:playMedia(318470,' ');
Above are sketch drawings of the plans to extend Wymondham Baptist Church to enable the church fellowship to offer more to the local community. We are creating a spacious reception area which will serve as an open plan space where some services can be permanently established, whilst also allowing people to pop in and use our building when there are separate activities happening in the church. The extension will enable us to offer our church building as a much-needed community facility. One that will be 'community centred' rather than just another community centre.
The new area will be a space that Roots Community Café will work out of and the current church hall will be set aside for worship activities.
In 2022 we started working on the design of the extension and how this would fit in with the current building.
In December 2022 we were granted full planning permission. We are now in the Phase 2 of the project and have engaged the architect to prepare detailed design drawings, the specification of the work involved, get Building Regulation approval, engage with a structural engineer and an independent energy consultant. When this work is complete we will be in a position to go out to tender and ultimately to appoint a builder.
At the current time the External Fund Raising Team are preparing grant applications to many different funders and grant making trusts.
Our aim is to be in a position to start building in 2025.
To date we have raised just about 75% of the anticipated cost of the project. This has been through receipt of a grant from South Norfolk Council, Congregational and General Trust, Community Action Fund, Paul Bassham Charitable Truust, Laing Family Trust, Norwood and Newton Settlement and GNGB Infrastructure Fund in-principal grant approval, gifts and donations from the church fellowship and the local community and fund raising efforts of the church fellowship. We still have a way to go but believe that this is what God wants us to do and we are following, taking one step at a time.
Early in 2023 we had a shock when we had a serious leak in the kitchen. After a lot of thought and prayer we decided to take the first step on the extension project by completely refitting and remodelling the kitchen. Our budget was £20,000 and through the generosity of the fellowship and the local community this money was raised and the work carried out ‘in house’. The re-design of the kitchen was a small part of the whole project, but with God’s help we have managed to do this work before the main work commences.
As well as extending the building we are hoping to be able to upgrade the rest of the building, the north wall of the church has already been cleaned.
Can you help us with this project?
There are various ways you can give.
1) On the premises. There is an opportunity for you to give your offering as part of our Sunday worship or whenever the church is open. Envelopes marked “Building Fund are available. A donation terminal is also available, which takes payment by credit or debit card. There is a button on the screen to indicate what are of WBC work you wish to support.
2) Giving through your bank - if you would like to make a donation by BACS, please ensure that it is marked 'BUILDING FUND'. Payments should be made to the credit of Wymondham Baptist Church account: Sort code: 30-90-89 Account No. 47748863
3) By leaving a cheque or cash at the Church Office or in the Offering Box in the church.
4) By visiting our Just Giving page for the Building Fund
5) By visiting the WBC website and following the links on the ‘Giving’ tab.
If you pay UK tax please consider Gift Aid - a form can be obtained from the office. This enables the church to increase the value of your donation by 25%.
If you need help or more details, please contact Cathy in the office on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday morning or by e-mail at
If you would like further information about the project, want to help with the External Fund Raising Team, let us know (
We appreciate that times are difficult for many, and we long to play our part in helping all within our local area. We would love you to be a part of this exciting journey.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and your ongoing support.
Grant funding received from:-