Nature of check |
Have previous actions been closed? |
Annual Review Comments and Actions Arising |
1.Are the Church premises, paths, steps, staircases, floors and toilets in a safe, clean and tidy condition and adequately lit? Are there satisfactory arrangements for their cleaning and maintenance?
2.Are all exits and escape routes clearly marked with appropriate signs which comply with the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996?
Are the emergency exit routes kept clear of obstruction and properly lit?
3.Have provisions been made to ensure that emergency exit doors are either unlocked or fitted with panic bolts? Do they open outwards where possible?
4.Are clear instructions issued as to what to do in the event of a fire?
5.Are there appropriate arrangements for giving warning in case of fire?
6.Is the fire-fighting equipment adequate, easy to use, properly positioned and signed in accordance with the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996?
Has it been inspected/maintained?
Do sufficient people understand how to use the equipment?
7.Is a first aid box available and is someone responsible for ensuring that it is adequately stocked? Is a list of first aiders available?
8.Are there proper arrangements for investigating, recording and reporting accidents?
What accidents have been recorded in the last period? Is any follow-up action required?
9.Does the kitchen and the equipment in it comply with current hygiene requirements?
10.Are there proper precautions for the use, labelling and storage of hazardous or harmful substances?
Is cleaning and decorating equipment stored away from children?
Is safety equipment such as goggles, rubber gloves and aprons available?
11.Have the electrical circuits been safety tested?
12.Have portable electrical appliances been safety tested? Are they plugged into a sufficient number of sockets for their use without the use of adaptors? Is there a clear rule concerning the electrical equipment which can be brought onto the Church premises?
13.When was the gas installation serviced by a qualified person?
14.Is there an asbestos survey indicating any risks? Is the asbestos log up to date? Has any asbestos been discovered or removed from the premises during the previous period? Are identified sections of asbestos in a safe condition?
15.Where a door can swing both ways, does it have a visibility panel? If so, is this fitted with safety glass?
Are there any other glazed areas that should be fitted with safety glass?
16.What restrictions are in place for the maximum number of people that may be present at any one time in any part of the premises?
17.Is proper advice available for the lifting of heavy object?
Is advice provided on how furniture and equipment should be stacked or stored?
18.Are there adequate arrangements for outside contractors who carry out work on the church premises to ensure that they work safely and do not create a safety hazard for others?
19.Are appropriate arrangements made for planning and supervising volunteer work parties undertaking maintenance or repairs on the church premises?
20.Where outside organisations use the church premises, are they uses aware of the church’s Health and Safety Policies and is it clear to them that they must take responsibility for their own operations?
21.Are arrangements made for employees and volunteers to be supplied with appropriate information about health and safety and fire precautions?
Have new employees/volunteers received appropriate training as part of their induction?
22.Do new employees or volunteers understand any rules or agreed advice about safe working whilst alone in the building?
23.Do new employees or volunteers understand the policy for working at height?
24.Has appropriate advice been provided to employees and volunteers who use Display Screen Equipment on a daily basis?
25.Have the exterior walls, gates, trees, roofing etc. been inspected to ensure there is no danger of accidents?
26.Are there any other ‘hazards’ which need consideration? If so, list them noting the action required and the programme of action