Digging for Gold!

Picture for TFTW4

I’m sure we’ve all heard about the “crock of gold” that’s supposed to be buried at the end of the rainbow. Well, one day I found myself looking at a rainbow and realising I seem to be standing at the end of it, when the “crock of gold” came to mind. So, I walked on a little bit further to get to the end of the rainbow and when I got there, I couldn’t see the end as it seemed to be clear light.  Giving up the idea of instant wealth I moved on and then once again I could see the whole rainbow.
Could it be that indeed I was at the end of the bow? Maybe it’s just as well I didn’t start digging because by now, I could well have dug up a sizeable chunk of Norfolk!  I know that occasionally people with metal detectors do come across valuable treasure from a previous age, buried in the ground.
This set me thinking about three verses in the Bible that I came across from the Book of the Prophet Malachi 3:16-18 (the last book in the Old Testament). These verses say that each one of us is God’s treasured possession, just imagine being called a treasured possession.
If we accept the Lord Jesus and trust Him to change us, we will indeed be His treasured possession. Now, in these difficult times, isn’t that good news?

V & M, R& C, 28/02/2021