January Update

Dear friends,
Happy New Year to you all! I hope you have been able to enjoy the Christmas season with friends and family, even if Omicron led to some restrictions.
I am back in France after a lovely ten-day trip to the UK. It was good to spend Christmas with my parents and to see a few friends, and I enjoyed some classic English Christmas events - carols at Norwich Cathedral and an evening out at the Pantomime.
Earlier in December I took a trip to Lyon to visit a friend and experience the famous Fête des Lumières - festival of lights. Traditionally a Catholic festival giving thanks for the city's deliverance from the plague, it is now a four-day event in which artists and engineers show off their skills with lights and projections right across the city - photos of a few highlights below!
The weekend before Christmas my team invited some friends to a small gathering. Several people came, including my friend Irene who you have been praying for, and her children. I did an activity with all the children making Christingle oranges, and used these to talk about Jesus who is the light of the world. Irene had a number of questions about Jesus and the meaning of Christmas. |
I helped her to download a Bible in her language onto her phone and we spent time looking at the Christmas story together. She suggested that we could read some more of the Bible together in the New Year - so we start next week! Please keep praying for Irene as we read through the stories of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection, that God's living Word will touch her heart and reveal the truth to her. |
Looking for a host family!
One of the girls in my English homework club would like to spend a week in the UK in early May this year. She has funding to travel from a local charity, and has asked me to help her find a family to stay with. She is 16, an exceptional student and a lovely girl. If you think you might be able to host her, or you know someone who might be interested but doesn't get this newsletter, please do get in touch with me for more details.
Financial Support - Can you help?
Thanks to Brexit, I need to start paying into a French social security fund, which means that I need to increase my support by approximately £500 each month. If you can help with this, either as a new member of my financial support team, or by increasing what you already give, please use the link below to give through GEM UK.
Please also join me in praying that this extra support would be raised quickly, and that I will remember the way in which the Lord has always provided for my needs and not be discouraged or anxious.
Thank you, as always, to those who support me through prayer and finances - none of this work would be possible without you! |
World Team France (office address) |
Nicki Waterworth, 14/01/2022