April 2023 Prayer Focus


BMS (Baptist Missionary Society)

Please pray for the work of BMS. Here are some of the ways in which the organisation operates:
BMS works among some of the most marginalised and least evangelised people, as well as those forced to flee home, in some of the most fragile places on earth.

  • We share the good news of Jesus where it’s never been known. We are called to go to people living in the least evangelised places, predominantly in countries where fewer than five per cent are Christian.
  • For example, we’ve been working together with our longstanding partner the Baptist Church of Mizoram, to send Pastor J to Cambodia from India to plant a church in Phnom Penh and run a dorm for students from rural areas. His hope is to share God’s love holistically, giving people hope for this life, and beyond.
  • In hard-to-reach countries such as Afghanistan and Guinea, we aim to have a presence where the word of Jesus has rarely been heard.
  • We tackle the injustice and suffering of deeply disadvantaged people living in desperate places. We work to see the flourishing of those with the fewest opportunities, who are furthest behind and are the most excluded.
  • Through partnerships with established and trusted local agencies, we can do more together than we ever could alone. In Nepal, we work alongside the Multipurpose Community Development Service, who come alongside villages to improve all aspects of life, including health, sanitation, water management and education.
  • We walk with those forced to leave home, in a time where more people than ever before have been displaced – whether within their own countries or having crossed borders. This unprecedented displacement is a sign of the world’s fragility.
You can find more information at https://www.bmsworldmission.org/
Please also pray for Alan and Megan Barker, who work for the BMS in Nepal. They request prayer for the following:
Please join with us in giving thanks for:
  • More opportunities to help serve the organisations we have contact with,
  • The inspiring people that we work with and from whom we get encouragement,
And join us in praying for:
  • The families of the victims of the plane crash at Pokhara in January – for their peace and comfort in their grief
  • Ongoing opportunities to get alongside people and organisations to help and support.

You can keep up to date with Alan and Megan’s news at https://www.bmsworldmission.org/people/alan-and-megan-barker/

Neil Starling, 14/04/2023