May Prayer Focus - Rachel Spencer
Rachel came to visit the church on 23rd April, to share news of her work on the mission field in Paris, with GEM (Greater Europe Mission). She works in a very multicultural suburb of Paris, where there is a strong Muslim community. She and the team at GEM run various projects aimed at building up strong community relationships, and providing a platform for sharing the gospel with all those with whom they are in contact.
Please pray for:
A new project entitled Xenia, (which means ‘stranger-friendship’), which aims to create an environment of friendship and welcome among different cultures, validating and celebrating the diversity of the town, and working together for the good of the community.
Relationships within the team, as they seek an agreed approach in moving forward in mission.
Rachel as she embarks on a PhD in Missiology at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, which she will do this part-time and anticipates it will take six years.
For those who have heard the gospel – Rachel shared about one Muslim lady who has been very receptive to the gospel, but is fearful of the consequences making a commitment would have on her relationship with her devout Muslim husband and her family.
Rachel sends out an update and prayer letter around every six weeks. If you would like to receive this letter, please email Rachel at and ask to be added to the mailing list.

Neil Starling, 28/04/2023