Springing into Action!

Picture for springing into act
The other day I was watching newborn lambs leaping and jumping about within the sight and protection of their mums and thought, how joyful they must feel with a spring in their step! Then, this morning, I heard that our national ladies’ gymnastics team had won the gold medal at the European Championships, a feat that our girls had not achieved before.
Now, I’m not one to get jealous about things, but I have to say the “J” word came into my mind when I put these two events together. You see, as I get older, I realise my mind might be agile and jump about, but my body doesn’t seem able to keep up. Seeing the gymnasts bend, twist and turn with surprising ease did make me think about what would happen if I tried to do those things! I think great pain and discomfort would come about very quickly.
Recently I was looking at Malachi 4 with the heading in my Bible, “The Day of the Lord” and the verse that caught my attention was verse 2 which says, “But for you who revere My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall”.
As God’s promises are true to those who revere His name, then, one day I will leap around in my praise to Him and even win a gold medal with my “Crown of Life”.


Vic,Ray,Cathy,Mary, 30/04/2023