
Picture for stillness

In the Book of Exodus and Chapter 14 we read about the Israelite people being led by Moses out of slavery in Egypt. The only thing was that the people did nothing but complain and moan about the conditions they found themselves in. they even said to Moses that they thought they would be better off if they had stayed in Egypt as slaves! Now, right behind them came the Egyptian soldiers and charioteers marching towards them, hence the complaining, fear and terror. They had temporarily forgotten about the Angel of the Lord sparing them when all the first born in Egypt were destroyed and they were freed.
We read that Moses answered the people in verses 13-14 and as you read this you may be surprised that he ended with the words, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still”. “You need only to be still” seems a world away from the terror they were facing, but it was this statement that caused me to think about several things.
We need to be still and reflect on our work/life-balance; is there a balance, are our quiet times and times of prayer getting squeezed out? Have we become too self-centred that we miss the opportunities to serve others?
Where are our priorities? God’s Word says that where your treasure is, there is your heart – we need only to be still and rest in God’s presence to think about where we are, where do I need to be still, where is God calling me to serve?
It’s not often that we take time to be still, we seem to always want to be surrounded by noise, distractions, things we feel we have to do and, of course, we are concerned about time.
But we need to take time to sit at the Master’s feet and rest with Him. If we are real this will make a difference to our daily lives – being with Jesus is time well spent – so find time this coming week to be still.

Vic,Ray,Cathy,Mary, 14/05/2023