Easter, A Great Day!

Easter A Great Day picture

 I had two really touching conversations a week or so ago, within a day of each other. One was with a young lady of 14 and the other was with a gentleman of 79. Both conversations had the same theme.
Talking to the 14-year-old I asked how her day was going, to which the reply was, “good, really good” and for no particular reason. She then shared that each day was a new gift to her even though the thought of school beckoned. At that moment, there at the beginning of the day, it was good.
The other conversation was with the older gentleman, who was preparing to visit his wife in the care home where he reluctantly had to place her as she suffers from severe dementia. The man himself has to have kidney dialysis three times a week lasting about six hours each time. He is also fitted with a heart pacemaker as a result of his kidney problems. Yet he was telling me how blessed he is and that he says a prayer each morning to give thanks, again for the gift of a new day. One of the blessings is, when he goes to the care home and his wife still recognises him.
Both of these conversations got me thinking about Mary Magdelene visiting the tomb of Christ, on that first Easter morning. She had thought that Jesus was dead and didn’t realise that the gardener she spoke to was indeed the risen Lord Jesus. It was then Jesus said to her, “Mary” and then she knew it was Jesus. (John 20:10-16).
So it was, early in the morning, that the woman hurried away from the tomb filled with joy and ran to tell the disciples. (Matt 28:8).
What about that, what a gift of a new day that was for those followers. The promises of God were true.
Today we celebrate Easter and come with joy knowing what a great day it is.
More than that, because of Easter, we can say every day, ‘what a great day’ because we worship the risen Christ who died and rose again for you and me.

Vic, 31/03/2024