That's handy!
Seeing the little hands of a new born baby recently at Roots Café got me thinking about hands. Now there are all sorts of hands, big hands, small hands, hands with long thin fingers, work-hardened hands and older hands perhaps slightly wrinkly. It surprised me watching the tennis from Wimbledon this year, how the hands of some of the players can hold four tennis balls at a time as they prepare to serve, picking the one that they feel will work best.
Recently at the Deacons’ Awayday, they looked at some thoughts on the Glory of God and Psalm 19 which starts, “The heavens declare the Glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands …..”. When we look up at a clear night sky we witness the vastness, the majesty and something of the Glory of God. The stars, planets and moons all providing a lightshow in praise to our Creator God.
But what really struck me, looking at these little baby hands, so delicate, so tiny, so perfectly formed, they were also created by that same God who orders the universe. He is the one who holds gravity, shooting stars, areas light years away where new stars are formed and yet, just seeing those little hands also showed me something of the wonder of God, but also the Glory of God.
Do you realise we too are here to bring glory to God, to make Him known to others and that one day we will share with Him and live in the light of His perfect glory. Oh happy day!
Vic, 24/11/2024