Left Overs!

Left overs!

Well, so it’s after Christmas now and what’s left? All the fun and games are done, perhaps the candles have finally finished, no longer lighting the scene, and probably too much food has been consumed! Yet when you look around, particularly at the food left over, it seems irresponsible to throw it all away, so let’s think for a moment what the answer may be.

Do people still make bubble and squeak, rissoles and the like from the vegetables or blend the veg and make various flavoured soups. Of course, with the meat and vegetables left, casseroles and stews can be made or even a fricasé. What about the seafood platters with their left-over bits that could be turned into a tasty fisherman’s pie? Again, left-over fruit can be used to make smoothies, as many people nowadays have all the new gizmos to be able to produce a good result.

After all this using up of the left-overs there is just about nothing left. The remnants have finally been used and the rubbish disposed of leaving nothing of the celebrations.

Yet God’s plan is not finished! You see, all the good tidings and love of Christmas are still here, God’s love doesn’t stop at the gift of His Son, Jesus, in the stable at Bethlehem. There is a huge left-over for all of us, a left-over that will go on and on. That left-over is the on-going love that God has for each one of us and it’s a love He wants us to share.

Just imagine if we said that we had ‘done’ Christmas for another year and didn’t bother to share the Good News of God’s love to others. Can you imagine God saying to you or me, “Well, I’ve done my bit, see you this time next year” and then left us to manage for ourselves! I don’t need to say the mess we would be in!

We read in 1 John 4:9-11, “God’s love is shown through the sending of His Son, and that in response, believers should love one another.”

So, we must go out now with love in our hearts as we celebrate and worship the One who loves us now and forever.

Vic, 29/12/2024