Log On


We are fortunate at home to have an open fire and now, as the colder weather is here,we quite often get a log fire going. I know it’s a bit of a pain to set up the kindling and get the fire going, then having to clear away the ashes ready for the next time, but it’sworth it. I think there is still nothing as cosy and comforting as a real fire, cracklingaway with the flames dancing around.It made me smile the other day when I thought about putting a log on the fire andrealised that “Log-On” now has a completely different definition. Nowadays we log-onto our bank accounts, business accounts, zoom accounts etc. etc. not about stokingup the fire!So back to the open fire and all the hot embers in our hearth needing another log on.As I reached out and placed the log on, I hadn’t realised the intensity of the heat fromthe burning wood and embers. The smell of singeing hair on the back of my handgave me the clue just how hot it all was in my small open fireplace!I’m sure many of you know the story in Daniel Chapter 3 of Shadrach, Meshach andAbednego being thrown into the furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar. This furnace was setto its highest ever setting to destroy these three brave followers of God. Even some ofthe guards losing their lives just putting the three into the furnace, it was that hot. Aswe read on, miraculously these three men came out of the furnace totally unharmed,not even a singed hair or burnt robe.Recently we heard in a sermon of that same God creating the world, giving Sarah, whowas barren and at a great age, a baby; parting the Red Sea; causing the sun to stop(Joshua Chapter 10:13); destroying the Walls of Jericho (Joshua Chapter 6). You see,our God is omnipotent, (He is all powerful). He is also unchanging, so what He hasdone before He can still do for us today. He is the God of yesterday, today and He willbe the same loving God tomorrow. 

Vic, 09/02/2025