Who Rules!

Who Rules!

Sadly, all the talk in the news seems to be about countries invading one another or countries seeking to annexe parts of others, or threatening each other. You can just hear them saying, “Our country’s bigger than yours.” Or, “We are more powerful than you.” Or, “Our weapons of destruction are greater than the ones you have.” So it appears that throughout human history, even up to now, we can’t get our act together so that we can all live in peace and harmony.

Recently I attended a funeral where the closing hymn was, “The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended”, but this time, whilst singing, I looked at the words. There they were, words of challenge, comfort and hope in the last verse – words that reminded me of God’s Heavenly throne and His Kingdom that will never pass away. The verse says, “So be it, Lord, Thy throne shall never, like earth’s proud empires, pass away. Thy Kingdom stands, and grows forever … “ that’s the part that spoke to me.

When you think about all the different empires that have been throughout time, some you may not have even heard of like the Portuguese, Khmer, Silla, Republic of Venice and Ethiopian empires. Then there are those we have, no doubt, heard of, the Mongolian, Persian, Assyrian, Roman and Babylonian empires; but where are they all now? ─ Like earth’s proud empires, they have passed away.

Aren’t we glad and thankful that we worship a God whose Kingdom will never fade or pass away, but will indeed gloriously last forever.

So when you next see a news item, that tells us of mighty nations whose agendas may well be to create vast physical or economic empires, don’t be fearful. Instead rejoice for we have an Almighty God that not only sits in the Throne Room of Glory, but is also the King of kings in a Kingdom far greater than any other. A Kingdom of love and peace that will last forever.


Vic, 23/02/2025