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Near to where we live is a small private woodland and we are able to see it all just by walking past and looking over the hedge. What is lovely is that it hasn’t got pathways running through it, so all the various plants haven’t got trampled over and are given free reign.
The other day as we walked past the woods we were greeted by what I can only describe as a spectacular array and display of snowdrops. Alongside the woods is a ditch, now full of water and at one place there is a huge cluster of the snowdrops with an army of them leading down the bank of the ditch as though they were getting ready to cross the water. (A picture of the multitude of Israelites under Moses preparing to cross the Red Sea came to mind.)
So there we were admiring all these clusters of snowdrops, some in the open, some surrounding the base of the trees, thousands of them, what a stunning picture! Although they all look the same there are, in fact, about twenty different varieties of snowdrop, some three varieties, however, being more common than the others. There are even some that look like a flying insect when the wind blows, as in the picture above.
What really amazed me was the beauty and design that our Creator God put into what seems a simple snowdrop, flowering for just a short season. But the truth is, God has given us more than the basic snowdrop, He has given the different shapes and shades of that one simple plant. What attention and love He shows us. I’m sure God was looking down taking delight in us just enjoying His creation and saying something like, “I thought you would enjoy that as you walk along”.
You see God loves us that much, that He intervenes in our lives all the time, sometimes just to say, “Stop a moment and enjoy the view”. I’m reminded of the old hymn, “All things bright and beautiful” particularly where it says, “Each little flower that opens, the Lord God made them all”.
Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to Me the path of Life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures for evermore”. I just thought, how appropriate that verse was as we just stopped along the way.
Vic, 02/03/2025