It's a miracle!

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A few weeks ago a question was put to us and the question was, “Do you believe in miracles?”   This, of course, got people thinking about exactly what is a miracle, have you seen a miracle, do you not believe in miracles, do miracles still happen today and so on. What seemed a straight-forward question does get the mind working and so I wanted to share a thought on the matter. 

Of course, the dictionary definition of a miracle is, “Something that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is attributed to a divine agency”. I like to think of a miracle as something that displays God’s glory, something that we would find mind-blowing, something that is really beyond the comprehension of us mere mortals. Maybe even, dare I say it, miracles could be a daily event and raises the question, do we miss miracles?

Recently I read in my Bible Reading notes about the miraculous moment of human conception, when a sperm penetrates an egg and the genetic data that determines everything we become, from facial features to personality, is encoded within a single cell. So begins a nine months’ process. The mother’s body produces hormones even before she knows she is pregnant. The baby’s heart starts to beat on day 22, and at four weeks that single cell has grown ten thousand times larger. Neurons start multiplying at the rate of approximately ten thousand per second, yes, per second! Everything from the optic nerve, the brain, the respiratory system, arms, legs, and fingernails are being formed in the womb and growing until the time of delivery. Read Psalm 139 particularly verses 13-16 and be amazed. You see every birth is a miracle, with God alone forming that new life. Birth is a daily miracle.

As we look around and see how God works in people’s lives and the changes He brings, are miracles in themselves. Just look at the change He has brought in your life. You know deep down just what you are like, yet our gracious Father in Heaven has a love for us that is incredible, as Romans Chapter 5 verse 8 puts it, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

He knows you and me and as we believe in Him His love goes on and on, even though we often slip up and wander away from Him. The real miracle is this, Almighty God wants you to share with Him all that He is and all that He has in His glorious Kingdom, forever. Now, isn't that a miracle?

Vic, 16/03/2025